Ownership Associates Employee Ownership Learning Event

We take a look back at our learning event held in Glasgow, April 2024.

May 17, 2024

The recent learning event, taking place in Glasgow last month, was judged a great success with several requests for a repeat event. Indeed, attendees expressed a strong desire for more opportunities to network and learn from each other.

The session was fully subscribed with a wide range of companies attending; some were new into employee ownership and others with longer employee ownership histories such as Clansman Dynamics (2009), Stewartry Care (2004) and Collective Architecture (2007).

The focus was very much on the role of the Trust in the company, and that of the Trustees or Trustee Directors. There were some interesting discussions regarding the relationship between the Trust and the company Board, and the Trust and the employees. Many found that the nuts and bolts on running the Trust to be useful; this is an element that is often forgotten about once the initial transaction is complete.

Delegates found the case studies a valuable exercise.  Attendees broke into groups to examine some examples of where the Trustees might have to intervene in how the company is running.  

Undoubtedly, the best outcome from the day was the opportunity to talk and share experiences with other employee owners.  

It is planned to hold another session in September.

“The event surpassed my expectations! I feel like I've gained a ton of valuable knowledge and it's really boosted my confidence as a trustee director.” - Vilma, Edinburgh Design

“Great learning event and very eye opening into what is expected as trustee.” - Matthew , EDC

“Informative, concise and great for sharing experiences with others.” - John, Clansman Dynamics

“The event exceeded my expectations. The information was presented into segments with delegate interaction that I found very useful.” - Tracey, Mediascape

“The whole day was very well structured. Carole's facilitation skills were highly professional not to mention her overall knowledge of the EO industry.” - Andy, Esteem Training